The Future Film Festival press accreditation is available until October 2023.
The accreditation is free and offers free access to the screenings and events of the Future Film Festival 2022 (Bologna, October 2023 and Modena, November 2023), in accordance with the modalities laid down in the programme and within the limits of the available seats.

Press accreditation is reserved exclusively for newspapers and the information operators belonging to the following categories:
• press (printed and online)
• radio and television
• photographers
• blogger/influencer

Each request must be sent through the form on this page at least 24 hours before the visit and will be screened by the press office of the festival that, in case of acceptance, will send an email confirmation. The credit is strictly personal, non-transferable and cannot be duplicated.

It is essential to attach to the form:
• a letter of appointment on headed paper signed by the Director or Chief Editor
• copy of professional card

For the blogger/influencer category it's necessary to attach a media kit.