Friday 23 September 2022 and Sunday 2 October 2022 by Luigi Cozzi (Italy, 1978) 94' In Italian Presented by Luigi Cozzi The film, made by Cozzi under the pseudonym of Lewis Coates, was received at the time as a fantatrash, with irony and derogation. With time, however, StarCrash was re-evaluated by critics and gained its own audience of fans. Remembered also for the soundtrack composed by John Barry, the film was considered an Italian answer to Star Wars. The story is about a spaceship belonging to the fleet of the Empire of the First Circle of the Universe, which has entered the nebula cluster King of the Forbidden Stars and is attacked by an unknown weapon.

23 September 2022 - Cinema Arlecchino - 18:30 pm

Sunday 2 October - Cinema Astra - Sala Smeraldo - Modena - 19 pm

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