Writing for animation

Writing workshop for animation. Lecturer: Valentina Mazzola. What is a screenplay? Who is the screenwriter? How do you write for animation? Starting with the construction of characters and the literary Bible, we structure a screenplay. Through trial and error, reflections and adjustments, we will experience in concrete, albeit brief, how a screenplay is created. Valentina Mazzola is an author and screenwriter from Bergamo, mainly for animated films. For Giunti edizioni she edits the "Topo Tip" series. For years she has intertwined a close collaboration with Bruno Bozzetto for whom she has edited subjects and screenplays. Among the projects, TV series and films he has collaborated on are "I Cosi," "Psicovip," "Bruno the great," "Breve storia della sterilità in Italia," "Albero Azzurro," "Il mistero dei pupi," "Tre P," "La famiglia antimostri," "Le fiabe animate," "Kids 4 Nature," "Summer camp," "Mini Ninjas," "Tutti pazzi per l'alce," the "Topo Tip" series. She works in Studio Bozzetto & Co. with "Topo Tip" and "Bestiacce," Graphilm with "Nefertina," and Studio Campedelli with "Atchoo."  

Sabato 18 | Ore 10:00- 13:00 | Dumbo - Binario Centrale | Sala LAB

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