by Hayao Miyazaki, Japan, 1978, 625' Italian version (original dubbing) Ten hours (almost) non-stop of the post apocalyptic series by the master of Japanese animation, Hayao Miyazaki....
GO TO ALL MOVIESby Pierre Hébert, France, 81' Original version with Italian subtitles A poetic and animated meditation, based on impressions of two trips of the director to Japan in 2003 and 2018. A narrative...
GO TO ALL MOVIES(Shika no Ō: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi) by Masashi Ando and Masayuki Miyaji, Japan, 2021, 120' Original version with Italian subtitles Production I.G.'s new fantasy film, based on the series...
GO TO ALL MOVIESby Alexander Kronemer, USA/Canada, 2021, 88' Original version with Italian subtitles The film tells the magical story of the Persian poet Rumi, who lived in the 13th century. A young war...
GO TO ALL MOVIES(Archipel) by Félix Dufour-Laperrière, Canada, 2021, 72' Original version with Italian subtitles The film is a docucomedy that recounts the director's odyssey in his native province of...
GO TO ALL MOVIESby Arnold Leibovit, USA, 1985, 93' Original version with Italian subtitles "Tribute to George Pal" The film follows the career of George Pal, from the beginning of his life in Hungary and...
GO TO ALL MOVIESby Giorgio Verdelli, Italy, 2021, 104' This documentary dedicated to the musician Ezio Bosso, who died prematurely, tells the story of an artist with an incredible stage presence, for whom the...
GO TO ALL MOVIES(Meu Tio Josè) by Ducca Rios, Brazil, 2021, 99' Original version with Italian subtitles The film is based on the true story of the death of José, a member of the left-wing party who...
The Future Film Festival’s 2022 call for projectsis now open. You can enter short films, feature films, series, AR/VR content, mixed media or visual effects made in Italy,all from the past two years. The winners will be awarded cash prizes, award plaques or kits.
The submission deadline is July 30th, 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the inscription, please contact apply@futurefilmfestival.it
Future Film Festival, in collaborazione con Doc Servizi, lancia la prima edizione del progetto FUTUREPITCH a sostegno dello sviluppo dell’interazione e del dialogo tra autori e produttori.
La presente sessione del FUTUREPITCH è dedicata ai progetti di animazione e FX (serie, lungometraggi, documentari e cortometraggi) destinati al mercato domestico e/o internazionale, ed è rivolta ad autori e registi italiani.
Il FUTUREPITCH 2021 si svolgerà in modalità one-to-one durante la XXI edizione del Future Film Festival il giorno 10 dicembre 2021, a Bologna.
Want to help the Future Film Festival to grow up and become more and more and more sheen?
Support Us!
Gold & Silver pass gives you access to all the screenings/conferences, with online registration, and ensures the personal armchair with your name in the theater.
(not later than August 31st, 2022)
Membership Pass GOLD 120 euros
Membership Passs SILVER 80 euros
(from September 1st, 2022)
Membership Pass GOLD 150 euros - Buy Now
Membership Pass SILVER 100 euros - Buy Now
Il Future Film Festival XXII edizione organizza in collaborazione con Doc Servizi soc.coop e Flash Future S.r.l., FUTUREPITCH 2022, un format che intende favorire l’incontro tra autori/registi e produttori.
Autori e registi in cerca di un produttore? Produttori in cerca di coproduttori?
È aperta la Call per partecipare con i vostri progetti. Leggi e sottoscrivi il Regolamento e Iscriviti qui!
FUTUREPITCH 2022 nasce come vetrina Industry delle giornate del XXII Future Film Festival, destinata a progetti cinematografici per il mercato domestico e/o internazionale, e rivolta ad autori/registi e case di produzione italiane.
I progetti che risulteranno selezionati parteciperanno agli incontri one to one del 30 settembre 2022 a Modena
Future Film Festival will host workshops with the major outstanding speakers/guests in the field of animation and visual effects, gaming, ar/vr and mixed media.
workshops 35 euros/110 euros
membership Pass GOLD 120 euros
membership pass SILVER 80 euros
membership pass WHITE 40 euros
membership pass STUDENT 30 euros
tickets 10 euros
workshops 50 euros/150 euros
membership Pass GOLD 150 euros
membership pass SILVER 100 euros
membership pass WHITE 50 euros
membership pass STUDENT 40 euros
Tutti i pass e gli abbonamenti danno accesso alle conferenze/proiezioni, previa registrazione online.
18 April 2024
Are now open the entry forms for the International competiton of the Future Film Festival...
28 February 2024
Registration is now open for the advanced training course promoted by Demetra in collaboration with...
23 December 2023
Meet up at the Cinema Odeon in Bologna for an unmissable evening on Sunday 31 December at...
30 November 2023
After having populated the DumBO in Bologna with ideas and visions, the event officially ended last...
27 November 2023
Thanks to everyone who made another extraordinary edition of the Future Film Festival possible!...
20 November 2023
Pierre Földes wins with his Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman based on the stories of the famous writer...
Any Italian or foreign narrative animation film lasting 50 minutes or more. In order to qualify for this section the submitted project must be animated with any kind of technique, whether traditional or digital. Films that have been made available to the public elsewhere, including online, may not be accepted. This includes (but is not limited to) television, home video, streaming or any digital platform both in Italy and abroad. Films that have been invited to other festivals in Italy prior to September 1, 2021 but have notparticipated may compete in this category.
Any Italian or foreign narrative work created with the use of visual effects, lasting 50 minutes or more. To qualify for this section, the submitted project must use visual effects,whether using traditional or digital techniques. Films that weremade available to the public in other venues, including online, cannot be accepted. This includes (but is not limited to) television, home video, streaming or any digital platform both in Italy and abroad. Films that have been invited to other festivals in Italy prior to September 1, 2021 but have not participated may compete in this category.
Any Italian or foreign narrative animation film lasting less than 50 minutes with end credits. This category includes fiction, experimental, nonfictional or documentary works, music videos, or any other form of visual storytelling. Short films should not have premiere restrictions, nor be screenedin other festivals to be eligible forselection. All shorts that have already been presented at festivals or public events, aired on television or digital platforms, as well as home videos anywhere in the world, may be entered in this category.
Any animation project presented as a series. This includes pilots, the presentation of pilots, webseries, docu-series, limited series, anthologies, or any other film or video designed for multi-episodic viewing. Projects in this category can come from anywhere in the world.One or more episodes of the same project can be entered if presented in a single video file, as long as the uploaded file is not heavier than 10GB. Both short and long story forms are accepted, with no restrictions on the minimum or maximum number of submitted episodes, or the overall length of the series. Italian projects cannot be entered in this category if the film/video has been released entirely to the public either at the cinema or on any digital, television, home video platform. Projects from other countries can also compete in this category if they have already been made public in their own country on any type of platform.
If some (but not all) episodes of the series have already been released, only unreleased episodes can be entered. For example, if the first season has already aired, the second season can be enteredif it has not been shown to the general public in any way.
A wide range of innovative works and immersive experiences will be considered for the Festival’s AR/VR program. We request that you provide documentation that outlines any specific logistical, spatial, or equipment needs for your project. Specific instructions for submitting different file types are contained within the application. The works realized prior to October 1, 2020 are not eligible to submit to this category.Questions regarding this specific program should be directed to ARVR@futurefilmfestival.it
This section is for all sorts of innovative,immersive or multiple platform experiences. These projects may include mixed media products, multimedia installations, live film performances, creations designed for specific digital platforms, or a mix of all the above techniques. A precise documentation of the project features is required, specifying the space, technical background and instrumentsnecessary to realising the project. This section is intended to encourage the diverse creative community to propose innovative fiction or documentary projects. Works that have already been presented in other festivals/events may be nominated in this section, however the organisation reserves the right to carefully examinethe projects that will be premiered. If it includes interactive elements, we ask you to read carefully about the "AR/VR"section. If the project does not include any features from that category, please look at the othercategories as well. Works made before January 1, 2020 may not be entered in this category.
Any backstage video of visual effects made by Italian professionals or companies. There are no restrictions regarding previous screenings or previews that would prevent the admission to the competition. A backstage video that has already been shown to a wide audience online or in streaming, on TV or as home video, may still be submitted in this category. Works made before January 1, 2021 will not be accepted.
Any animated commercial or ADV realized by Italian companies/professionals. The works have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions that impact Festival eligibility. Commercials/ADV that have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform anywhere in the world are eligible for this category. The works realized prior to October 1, 2020 are not eligible to submit to this category.
Any animated opening/closing titles work from Italy and outside Italy. The works have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions that impact Festival eligibility. Opening/closing titles that have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform anywhere in the world are eligible for this category. The works realized prior to October 1, 2020 are not eligible to submit to this category.
Before submitting your work, please read carefullythe following regulations:
- All worksmust be from after September 2020.
- Works that are not in Italian must include Italian subtitles and have a dialogue list, unless understanding dialogues or voice-over are not necessary to understanding the work itself.
- By submitting your work to the Future Film Festival, you give us permission to screen your film during the Festival’s duration, at special events, spin-offs oron other related occasions. You also grant the Festival the right to archive and stream your work online onMyMovies. The Festival will send a contract for the selected authors/producers to sign.
- Please send us at least two pictures of your work, a poster, and press material that can be used for promotional purposes (Hi-Resolution JPEG - size not exceeding 3MB).
- The organisation does not guarantee that all submitted films will be selected, but wepromise tolet you know whether you work has been chosen by August 15, 2022.
Any Italian or foreign narrative animation film lasting 50 minutes or more. In order to qualify for this section the submitted project must be animated with any kind of technique, whether traditional or digital. Films that have been made available to the public elsewhere, including online, may not be accepted. This includes (but is not limited to) television, home video, streaming or any digital platform both in Italy and abroad. Films that have been invited to other festivals in Italy prior to September 1, 2021 but have notparticipated may compete in this category.
Any Italian or foreign narrative work created with the use of visual effects, lasting 50 minutes or more. To qualify for this section, the submitted project must use visual effects,whether using traditional or digital techniques. Films that weremade available to the public in other venues, including online, cannot be accepted. This includes (but is not limited to) television, home video, streaming or any digital platform both in Italy and abroad. Films that have been invited to other festivals in Italy prior to September 1, 2021 but have not participated may compete in this category.
Any Italian or foreign narrative animation film lasting less than 50 minutes with end credits. This category includes fiction, experimental, nonfictional or documentary works, music videos, or any other form of visual storytelling. Short films should not have premiere restrictions, nor be screenedin other festivals to be eligible forselection. All shorts that have already been presented at festivals or public events, aired on television or digital platforms, as well as home videos anywhere in the world, may be entered in this category.
Any animation project presented as a series. This includes pilots, the presentation of pilots, webseries, docu-series, limited series, anthologies, or any other film or video designed for multi-episodic viewing. Projects in this category can come from anywhere in the world.One or more episodes of the same project can be entered if presented in a single video file, as long as the uploaded file is not heavier than 10GB. Both short and long story forms are accepted, with no restrictions on the minimum or maximum number of submitted episodes, or the overall length of the series. Italian projects cannot be entered in this category if the film/video has been released entirely to the public either at the cinema or on any digital, television, home video platform. Projects from other countries can also compete in this category if they have already been made public in their own country on any type of platform.
If some (but not all) episodes of the series have already been released, only unreleased episodes can be entered. For example, if the first season has already aired, the second season can be enteredif it has not been shown to the general public in any way.
A wide range of innovative works and immersive experiences will be considered for the Festival’s AR/VR program. We request that you provide documentation that outlines any specific logistical, spatial, or equipment needs for your project. Specific instructions for submitting different file types are contained within the application. The works realized prior to October 1, 2020 are not eligible to submit to this category.Questions regarding this specific program should be directed to ARVR@futurefilmfestival.it
This section is for all sorts of innovative,immersive or multiple platform experiences. These projects may include mixed media products, multimedia installations, live film performances, creations designed for specific digital platforms, or a mix of all the above techniques. A precise documentation of the project features is required, specifying the space, technical background and instrumentsnecessary to realising the project. This section is intended to encourage the diverse creative community to propose innovative fiction or documentary projects. Works that have already been presented in other festivals/events may be nominated in this section, however the organisation reserves the right to carefully examinethe projects that will be premiered. If it includes interactive elements, we ask you to read carefully about the "AR/VR"section. If the project does not include any features from that category, please look at the othercategories as well. Works made before January 1, 2020 may not be entered in this category.
Any backstage video of visual effects made by Italian professionals or companies. There are no restrictions regarding previous screenings or previews that would prevent the admission to the competition. A backstage video that has already been shown to a wide audience online or in streaming, on TV or as home video, may still be submitted in this category. Works made before January 1, 2021 will not be accepted.
Any animated commercial or ADV realized by Italian companies/professionals. The works have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions that impact Festival eligibility. Commercials/ADV that have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform anywhere in the world are eligible for this category. The works realized prior to October 1, 2020 are not eligible to submit to this category.
Any animated opening/closing titles work from Italy and outside Italy. The works have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions that impact Festival eligibility. Opening/closing titles that have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform anywhere in the world are eligible for this category. The works realized prior to October 1, 2020 are not eligible to submit to this category.
Before submitting your work, please read carefullythe following regulations:
- All work smust be from after September 2021.
- Works that are not in Italian must include Italian subtitles and have a dialogue list, unless understanding dialogues or voice-over are not necessary to understanding the work itself.
- By submitting your work to the Future Film Festival, you give us permission to screen your film during the Festival’s duration, at special events, spin-offs oron other related occasions. You also grant the Festival the right to archive and stream your work online on MyMovies. The Festival will send a contract for the selected authors/producers to sign.
- The organisation does not guarantee that all submitted films will be selected, but wepromise tolet you know whether you work has been chosen by July 30, 2024.
- Please send us at least two pictures of your work, a poster, and press material that can be used for promotional purposes (Hi-Resolution JPEG - size not exceeding 3MB).